Is Your MedSpa covered for hCG?


MedSpa hCG insurance

MedSpas across the country are expanding their procedures to appeal to growing demands. This includes innovations in non-invasive supplements for weight loss like hCG.  The question is, are these highly sought after services covered under your medical malpractice policy?

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG)

During pregnancy, the hormone Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (better know hCG) is made by cells formed in the placenta. It nourishes the egg after it has been fertilized and becomes attached to the uterine wall. About two weeks after conception levels can be detected by a blood or urine test. Typically, hCG levels double every 72 hours and levels reach their peak in the first 8-11 weeks of pregnancy and then level off for the remainder of the pregnancy. This hormone is naturally present in everyone’s bodies, just in lower levels outside of pregnancy.

Studies show, hCG supposedly triggers the hypothalamus, which releases stored fat cells, aiding in weight loss. Although the hormone occurs naturally in the body, when used as a supplement it can have different side effects or benefits depending upon how you look at it.


Many will look at some of the side effects of hCG as positives but that depends on the desired outcome and the terms of use.

Although using hCG may increase chances of multiple pregnancy (twins, triplets, etc.), a multiple pregnancy is high-risk for both the mother and babies. If there are complications due to hCG there is a possibility of a claim coming about.

As of 2013, the FDA has categorized hCG as pregnancy category X. This means that using the medication once you are pregnant can cause birth defects in the baby. Do not use hCG if you are pregnant.

Homeopathic & Medical Treatments

Per the FDA, homeopathic medicine is considered “over the counter” medicines. These aren’t regulated in the the same way as prescription medicines. However, they require  homeopathic remedies to meet certain legal guidelines pertaining to packaging information, purity and the strength of the product.

Homeopathic hCG is made from “real” human hCG, or biologically identical hCG, that is diluted in a solution to create drops in standardized homeopathic ratios according to the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States (HPUS), the guidelines of which are included in the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act of 1938.

FDA advises consumers who have purchased homeopathic HCG for weight loss to stop using it, throw it out, and stop following the dieting instructions. Harmful effects should be reported to the FDA.

Who is Administering the hCG?

If administering hCG is within the healthcare professional’s scope of practice, they should be approved for coverage. Typically every MedSpa should have a Medical Director, although requirements vary by state.

In event that your MedSpa’s facility policy was not set up to include hCG, it must be added to your procedures and you may be subject to an additional premium.

NOTE: Selling hCG to be self-administered by a patient? That is not be covered under this policy.

Want to learn more about a facility policy for your MedSpa? Give us a call directly at

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Has Your Practice Started Offering hCG? Let’s Make Sure Your Policy Will Cover This Exposure!

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